Hercs (Sydney)

A post after long last! And a Sydney drain at that, seeing as I no longer reside in Brisbane. Known by some as Hercules' Pillars, the following photos of this drain from two seperate trips.

The outfall was very muddy. It's intent seems to slow and dam the storm water before letting it gradually reach the river (above) through a small RCP.

The pillars are probably one of the better known features of this drain. They really are impressive to see first hand.

The drain itself was very strange, twisting and turning. As for whether this is by design or not... Maybe it's intended to reduce the velocity of the run-off from heavy storms. Maybe.

The first time I came here alone. The second with a friend. Unfortunately on both occasions I didn't really travel much further beyond the ladder.

That's it for now. Next time I'll be travelling to the end (start?) of this amazing drain!